Windows Live Mail Password Recovery 1-888-587-6606 | Reset Number

Windows Live Mail is an EMail client, a desktop application that enables its users to configure one or more EMail addresses to receive, read, compose and send Emails from that EMail address through the Desktop interface. If somehow you are required to reset the password for Windows LiveMail, go through following steps to reset Windows Live Mail Password.
There are two methods which you need to follow to recover your password:
  1. Automatic Recovery Method:
  • You need Password Recovery Bundle, a toolkit that recovers forgotten passwords for all mail accounts.
  • When you click on Password Recovery Bundle, it will prompt a window showing Run option, click on the Run option, next you will be prompted Start Recovery button, it brings up a drop-down menu that shows all supported password types.
  • When you click on Windows Live mail password option, this program searches the profile of Windows Live mail on the local computer decrypts it and prompts you the EMail account passwords stored in Windows Live Mail.
  1. Manual Recovery Method:
  • Open Windows LiveMail client.
  • Here, you see an icon with title “Mail”, click on it and choose Properties from Menu.
  • After clicking on Properties, you will be prompted a window in which a Server tab is present. Click on it.
  • You will see a sequence of asterisk characters, in the password box, if your EMail password has been remembered by Windows Live Mail. Now, run Password Recovery Bundle.
  • Select the Asterisk Password Option in the Start Recovery Bundle.The built-in Asteria password recovery tool will appear.
  • In Asterisk Recovery Password, click on Icon next to Password bar in Windows Live Mail. The actual EMail password will be recovered.

For detailed information regarding Windows live mail password reset service, go to the stated link:
